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Unlock Your Future in One Sentence

What do we do with our one wild and precious life?

In this podcast we pull together each piece of our vocational triangle to create a meaningful and memorizable credo. Our credo stands as a true north, helping us know who we are and how to live in alignment with who we are made to be into our future.

In this podcast you will learn:

  1. The template to create a meaningful life calling credo

  2. How our credo is formed from our vocational triangle

  3. To identify possibilities for living our credo

In this episode Trisha coaches Sara Lattimore, a pastor, mother, and doctoral student who has a big vision for her life but is stifled by the many obstacles that seem to be blocking her in her present reality.

Sara and Trisha connected in the fall of 2021 and have had several conversations about calling. Sara’s felt stuck for a while now, so she is our co-conversationalist for our mini-series to get her own personalized coaching while giving you an insight into the vocational coaching process.

Questions for Reflection

I invite Sara to consider the following questions in our podcast. How would you respond?

  • Create a one sentence statement that includes why you are on earth and what healing you bring from the themes found in the vocational triangle.

  • On a scale of 1-10 how much more clear are you now on your sense of vocation?

  • What are you ready to do with this new clarity in your vocation? 

Further Support

I would love to have you join us for our vocational intro course launching April 22nd to support you in further clarifying your calling. You will be guided through a process to create a credo that helps you own your calling and live in alignment in your work, so you can thrive in all you are and do!  I have been coaching for over 10 years now and have come alongside hundreds of women and men in discerning their vocation. 

If getting clarity in your calling sounds like something you want, go to

Listen / Watch the Podcast

Listen on the following platforms: Spotify, Apple

To watch: Youtube

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